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Ashleywood House

Tate Stevenson Architects Ltd (TSA) was appointed convert a B1 listed, 19C stone built, two storey stable block to the rear of Ashleywood House into 12no supported housing units.


The original building had a U shape two storey cellular form with large arched access doorways and in our pre application discussions with historic buildings we had to demonstrate how we could redevelop the building without significant removal and damage to the existing fabric. This in turn led to a design were min space standards were met with small extensions to the rear of each cellular space, located in secure south facing gardens and provided naturally well-lit living spaces. Importantly this left the principal front courtyard, common to all the units and clear of any new interventions thereby retaining clarity of the original design.


As the work involved complex structural, civil, and fire related issues TSA entered into a pre-application discussion with building control to agree how the project could be technically delivered including where standard design approached would not work such as the existing archway abutting the rear of the building. This archway which historic building confirmed had to be retained effectively blocked out light to a whole corner of the block and meant that a unit could not be located there and the scheme did not economically stack up. TSA in association with Taylor and Boyd delivered a innovative solution of underpinning the original, punching 4no. light wells through in in line with bedroom windows below and making the top of it a private space for the adjacent first floor unit.


The successful involvement of the whole team in the delivery of the project was recognised at the 2013 Construction Excellence. Awards winning ‘Achieving Excellence in Partnering Award’ judges stating ‘In terms of social sustainability the contribution to social capital was self evident: a vacant and derelict old building was sympathetically restored into highly energy efficient accommodation set within a beautiful and secure environment and in support of a very socially worthwhile objective’


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